

Shinya Kawamura




Many growing businesses are assessing ERP systems to streamline operations and support their continued transformation.
By leveraging the combined strengths of SAP’s 50+ years of industry best practices and AWS 16+ years running SAP workloads in the cloud, GROW with SAP on AWS helps customers simplify everyday work, grow their business, and secure their success.
This session walks through the components of GROW with SAP on AWS and how you can work with an AWS Partner to adopt cloud ERP in months instead of years.

SAPの50年以上にわたる業界ベストプラクティスの実績と、AWSの16年以上にわたるSAPワークロードのクラウド運用という強みを組み合わせることで、GROW with SAP on AWSは、お客様の日常業務の簡素化、ビジネスの成長、成功の確保を支援します。
このセッションでは、GROW with SAP on AWSのコンポーネントと、AWSパートナーと協力してクラウドERPを数か月のうちに導入する方法について説明します。
Deploying and scaling a resilient and highly available infrastructure to run mission-critical SAP HANA workloads on-premises generally requires long planning cycles and often with several compromises to meet the desired timeline and budget goals.
This session showcases how customers leverage the agility, flexibility and resiliency that AWS High Memory instances provide to help them deploy and scale the infrastructure for SAP HANA deployments while meeting performance and high availability goals.
Hear from SAP directly how they manage thousands of SAP systems using RISE with SAP on AWS. Learn how you can benefit from the latest high memory instances for your mission critical SAP workloads.

ミッションクリティカルなSAP HANAのワークロードをオンプレミスで実行するために、耐障害性と高可用性の高いインフラを展開し拡張するには、通常、長い計画サイクルが必要となり、希望するスケジュールと予算の目標を達成するために、いくつかの妥協を強いられることも少なくありません。
本セッションでは、AWS High Memoryインスタンスが提供する俊敏性、柔軟性、耐障害性を活用し、SAP HANAのインフラストラクチャの展開と拡張を行い、パフォーマンスと高可用性の目標を達成したお客様の事例をご紹介します。
SAP社がRISE with SAP on AWSを使用して数千のSAPシステムを管理する方法について、SAP社から直接お聞きください。ミッションクリティカルなSAPワークロードに最新のHigh Memoryインスタンスをどのように活用できるかをご覧ください。
This session provides a framework for leveraging AWS generative AI services to build a profitable business migrating SAP RISE workloads and to accelerate the modernization of adjacent SAP systems.
Learn and utilize generative AI services from cloud providers, LLM companies, and SAP.
The session demystifies the process of selecting services, tools, and technologies to assist you in building a profitable business for the next generation of SAP applications on AWS.
This session is intended for AWS Partners.

このセッションでは、AWSのジェネレーティブAIサービスを活用してSAP RISEのワークロードを移行し、隣接するSAPシステムの近代化を促進することで、収益性の高いビジネスを構築するための枠組みを提供します。
Learn how SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) can help you innovate, accelerate, and extend your SAP applications.
Explore its application development, automation, integration, data and analytics, and AI use cases.
Also hear real-world success stories on how businesses are leveraging SAP BTP.
This presentation is brought to you by SAP, an AWS Partner.

SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) が、SAPアプリケーションの革新、高速化、拡張にどのように役立つかをご覧ください。
また、SAP BTPを活用したビジネスにおける実際の成功事例もご覧ください。
AI is today’s hot topic. Demystifying the hype and noise around AI into tangible steps you can take with your business software is no easy task.
In this session, learn how SAP reengineered their own cloud ERP systems over the past decade to allow you to embed SAP Business AI across your cloud ERP portfolio, from pre-built, pre-trained embedded AI functionality to fully customized generative AI business agents.
Discover how you can take your most complex business software and processes and derive real value through business AI.
This presentation is brought to you by SAP, an AWS Partner.

このセッションでは、SAPが過去10年にわたって自社のクラウドERPシステムをどのように再構築してきたか、また、SAP Business AIを貴社のクラウドERPポートフォリオ全体に組み込む方法、事前構築済みの事前トレーニング済みの組み込みAI機能から、完全にカスタマイズされた生成型AIビジネスエージェントまでをご紹介します。
Since 2015, ADP has trusted AWS to support their global cloud-based human capital management (HCM) solutions.
ADP's GlobalView is one of the world's largest payroll platforms, supporting complex regulatory and business requirements of leading enterprises across more than 40 countries.
In 2023, ADP began evaluating options for moving GlobalView - which uses SAP HCM solutions on-premises-to the cloud, eventually settling on RISE with SAP on AWS.
In this session, ADP walks through their SAP modernization strategy and shares lessons learned to support organizations looking to migrate, modernize, and transform SAP applications in the cloud.

2023年、ADPはSAP HCMソリューションをオンプレミスで使用しているGlobalViewをクラウドに移行するオプションの評価を開始し、最終的にRISE with SAP on AWSを採用しました。
Leading manufacturers are using RISE with SAP, purpose-built AWS services, and Amazon’s extensive sourcing and logistics capabilities to transform their operations.
In this session, hear how manufacturers have migrated to RISE with SAP on AWS, streamlining operations and benefiting from the performance, reliability, and security of ERP in the cloud.
Learn how companies are extending their SAP environments to MES and PLM systems with 200+ AWS services?including generative AI, IoT, and analytics?to optimize productivity, quality, machine availability, and sustainability.
Lastly, discover how Amazon Business and Supply Chain by Amazon can help optimize procurement, global shipping, storage, and fulfillment.

大手メーカーは、RISE with SAP、AWS専用サービス、そしてAmazonの広範な調達およびロジスティクス能力を活用して、業務の変革に取り組んでいます。
このセッションでは、メーカー各社がどのようにAWS上のRISE with SAPに移行し、業務を合理化し、クラウドERPのパフォーマンス、信頼性、セキュリティのメリットを享受しているかをお聞きいただけます。
最後に、Amazon BusinessとAmazon Supply Chainが調達、グローバルな配送、保管、配送の最適化にどのように役立つかをご覧ください。
Discover how SAP customers can leverage AWS generative AI capabilities to create new experiences, boost productivity, extract insights, generate code, and enhance creativity across their enterprise.
Learn how finance, manufacturing, sales, legal, and development teams can use Amazon Bedrock and Amazon Q in conjunction with SAP data to redefine how business gets done.
Explore new options for accessing Amazon Bedrock models within SAP’s own generative AI hub.
Get a first-hand look at SAP customers applying generative AI and gain the insights you need to apply these capabilities to your own mission-critical SAP systems.

財務、製造、営業、法務、開発チームがSAPデータとAmazon BedrockおよびAmazon Qを連携して使用し、ビジネスの遂行方法を再定義する方法を学びましょう。
SAP独自の生成AIハブ内でAmazon Bedrockモデルにアクセスする新しいオプションを検討しましょう。
This lightning talk shares guidance for customers to leverage both AWS and SAP generative AI services in order to build the next generation of intelligent SAP applications for manufacturing, supply chain, and automotive industries.
Learn how SAP is building with Amazon Bedrock and how customers are leveraging Amazon Bedrock from within SAP AI Core. Gain insights to build your intelligent SAP application with AWS services. This talk is intended for AWS Partners.

SAPがAmazon Bedrockをどのように構築しているか、また、SAP AI Core内でお客様がAmazon Bedrockをどのように活用しているかをご覧ください。AWSサービスを使用してインテリジェントSAPアプリケーションを構築するための洞察を得ることができます。このトークはAWSパートナーを対象としています。
How does an energy company with the scale and complexity of ExxonMobil modernize its ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems and legacy processes?
What is essential for simplifying and rationalizing mission-critical applications that are fundamental to its operations? In this microservices era, seamlessly integrating best-of-breed products and end-to-end business solutions have become crucial.
ExxonMobil uses Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) to host an API integration and management platform that delivers efficiency, portability, speed to market while accelerating accretive business value. 
Join ExxonMobil and Red Hat as they discuss surmounting technical challenges while building this production ROSA environment. 
This presentation is brought to you by Red Hat, an AWS Partner.

エクソンモービルは、Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) を使用して、効率性、移植性、市場投入までのスピードを実現し、付加価値のあるビジネス価値を加速する API 統合および管理プラットフォームをホストしています。
エクソンモービルとレッドハットが、ROSA 環境の構築における技術的課題の克服について議論します。
このプレゼンテーションは、AWS パートナーであるレッドハットが提供しています。
Hear how Versuni, home to some of the world's most renowned domestic appliance brands, accelerated its cloud transformation by deploying RISE with SAP and migrating 80+ business applications to AWS in only 18 months.
Following a transition within this 130-year-old company, Versuni had to act fast to transform and migrate its technical estate.
Versuni selected AWS for RISE with SAP.
In record time, it implemented a complete business application landscape - supporting more than 40 countries and 7,000 employees - while minimizing business disruption.
This session provides learnings to accelerate your own business transformation with AWS and RISE with SAP.

世界的に有名な家電ブランドを傘下に持つVersuniが、わずか18か月でRISE with SAPを導入し、80以上のビジネスアプリケーションをAWSに移行することで、クラウドへの移行を加速させた方法をご覧ください。
Versuniは、RISE with SAPにAWSを選択しました。
このセッションでは、AWSとRISE with SAPを活用して、貴社のビジネス変革を加速させるためのヒントをご紹介します。
Learn how Amazon MGM Studios streamlined and automated its SAP financial close process with AWS services.
Using AWS SDK for SAP ABAP, Amazon MGM Studios automated time-consuming data manipulation and transformation processes with AWS services and just a few lines of SAP ABAP code.
With accompanying business intelligence from Amazon QuickSight, the company transformed its approach to validation, checking, and audit reporting activities.
Now, it is improving reporting accuracy, increasing productivity, and calling "that's a wrap" on its financial close faster each month and quarter.
Explore how you can transform your own SAP processes with 200+ AWS services.

Amazon MGM StudiosがAWSサービスを利用してSAPの決算プロセスをどのように合理化し自動化したかをご覧ください。
AWS SDK for SAP ABAPを使用して、Amazon MGM StudiosはAWSサービスとわずか数行のSAP ABAPコードで、時間のかかるデータ操作と変換プロセスを自動化しました。
Amazon QuickSightのビジネスインテリジェンス機能により、検証、確認、監査報告の活動に対するアプローチも変革しました。



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